Blocks 2.0.2

Released under the Public Domain

Content-addressed data storage interface.


To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:

[mvxcvi/blocks "2.0.2"]




Core block storage API.


Instrumentation for block stores to measure data flows, call latencies, and other metrics.

Buffer stores provide logical block storage which uses two backing stores to implement a buffer. New blocks are written to the buffer store, which can be flushed to write all of the blocks to the primary store. Reads return a unified view of the existing and buffered blocks.

Public variables and functions:

Cache stores provide logical block storage backed by two other stores, a primary store and a cache.

Public variables and functions:

File stores provide block storage backed by a local filesystem. Each block is stored in a separate file under the root. File block stores may be constructed using a file://<path-to-root-dir> URI. Both relative and absolute paths are supported.

Public variables and functions:

Memory stores provide process-local storage backed by a map in a ref. Blocks put into this store will be fully read into memory to ensure the content is present locally. Memory block stores may be constructed usin the mem:- URI form.

Public variables and functions:

Replica stores provide logical block storage which writes to multiple backing stores. Lookups will try the backing stores in order to find blocks.

Public variables and functions:


A ‘summary’ represents a collection of blocks, including certain statistics about the aggregate count and sizes. These are useful for returning from certain operations to represent the set of blocks acted upon.

Public variables and functions: