
Partitions contain non-overlapping ranges of the records witin a table. Partition nodes contain metadata about the contained records and links to the tablets where the data for each field family is stored.


The default number of records to hold in each partition.


(from-records store params records)

Constructs a new partition from the given map of record data. The records will be split into tablets matching the given families, if provided. Returns the node data for the persisted partition.


(max-limit params)

Return the maximum size a valid partition can have given the parameters.


(min-limit params)

Return the minimum size a valid partition can have given the parameters.


(partition-records store params records)

Divides the given (possibly lazy) sequence of records into one or more partitions. Returns a sequence of node data for the persisted partitions.


(read-all store part fields)

Read a lazy sequence of key/map tuples which contain the requested field data for every record in the partition.


(read-batch store part fields record-keys)

Read a lazy sequence of key/map tuples which contain the requested field data for the records whose keys are in the given collection.


(read-range store part fields min-key max-key)

Read a lazy sequence of key/map tuples which contain the field data for the records whose keys lie in the given range, inclusive. A nil boundary includes all records in that range direction.