
Suite of tests to verify that a given system implementation conforms to the spec during a sequence of operations performed on it.


(check-system message iteration-opts init-system ctx->op-gens & {:keys [context-gen init-model finalize! concurrency repetitions search-threads], :or {context-gen (gen/return {}), init-model (constantly {}), concurrency 4, repetitions 5, search-threads (. (Runtime/getRuntime) availableProcessors)}, :as opts})

Uses generative tests to validate the behavior of a system under a linear sequence of operations.

Takes a test message, a single-argument constructor function which takes the context and produces a new system for testing, and a function which will return a vector of operation generators when called with the test context. The remaining options control the behavior of the tests:

  • :context-gen Generator for the operation test context.
  • :init-model Function which returns a fresh model when called with the context.
  • finalize! Called with the system after running all operations. This function may contain additional test assertions and should clean up any resources by stopping the system.
  • concurrency Maximum number of operation threads to run in parallel.
  • repetitions Number of times to run per generation to ensure repeatability.
  • search-threads Number of threads to run to search for valid worldlines.
  • report Options to override the default report configuration.



(defop op-name attr-vec & forms)

Defines a new specification for a system operation test.


(gen->Wait _)

Constructs a Wait operation generator.